Displaying 61-70 of 226 results.
S No | Reference Number | Application Name | Application Date | Issuance Date | Days | Company Name | Fee |
61 | 2016-04-0000258 | sonu | 2016-04-22 10:12:06 | 2016-04-26 20:58:37 | 4 | Shree Shyam Security Services | 10 |
62 | 2016-04-0000250 | ASHWANI NARANG | 2016-04-26 12:30:27 | 2016-04-27 16:42:10 | 1 | GENIUS LABORATORIES | 10 |
63 | 2016-04-0000237 | Rajat Kumar | 2016-04-27 07:55:58 | 2016-05-03 22:12:40 | 6 | Saffron Sparrow | 10 |
64 | 2016-04-0000274 | AMIT JAIN | 2016-04-30 05:42:58 | 2016-05-10 21:52:05 | 10 | HARYANA KSK FILLING STATION | 10 |
65 | 2016-04-0000279 | Mohan Singh | 2016-09-14 08:30:19 | 2016-09-19 17:36:12 | 5 | Ms SHREE MUNIJI WOOD FURNITURE SUPPLIER | 10 |
66 | 2016-04-0000270 | M/S DATTANA TRADERS | 2016-06-01 08:29:58 | 2016-06-03 20:07:30 | 2 | MS DATTANA TRADERS | 10 |
67 | 2016-04-0000286 | Jasbir Singh | 2016-04-30 05:39:17 | 2016-05-02 22:02:40 | 2 | The Poets | 10 |
68 | 2016-04-0000290 | Suneet Goyat | 2016-04-29 02:38:55 | 2016-05-12 21:08:11 | 13 | Shanti Road and Construction | 10 |
69 | 2016-04-0000294 | anand | 2016-04-27 07:40:04 | 2016-04-28 19:56:52 | 1 | KEY 2 STUDY ABROAD | 10 |
70 | 2016-04-0000300 | sunder singh | 2016-04-25 08:53:39 | 2016-04-26 17:05:23 | 1 | IMMANENT COACHING CENTRE | 10 |